Category: Minister’s Corner

A Place to Call Home

Rev. Chris Antal 

“Corey Michael Hadley died of wounds inflicted during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. His wounds were slow acting and invisible but nonetheless crippling and fatal. He fought the creeping, poisonous advance of these emotional and mental wounds for years, and his battle … read more.

Slowing Down

Each winter I am amazed by the fish in my pond. Once the temperature drops below 40 degrees, they stop eating, slow down to nothing more than an occasional wiggle, and remain still like that for as much as three months. When I put my … read more.

The Power of We

Gus Speth, former Dean of the School of Forestry & Environmental Studies at Yale, once said: “I used to think the top environmental problems were biodiversity loss, ecosystem collapse, and climate change, but I was wrong. The top environmental problems are selfishness, greed, and apathy.” … read more.

Blood, Sweat, and Tears

After five months away for sabbatical and vacation, I am glad to be back with the congregation. I am also glad to say I felt a warm welcome upon my return to the pulpit on August 11 (a minister never knows what might transpire in … read more.

Care Team Ministry

I am pleased to announce the UUCRT has established a Care Team Ministry. Barbara Hultgren and Jan Kinney are the Co-Leaders of the Care Team Ministry. Donna Deming is a member of the Care Team Ministry. Starting in March, until I return from my sabbatical … read more.

Spiritual Practices

Showing up at the UUCRT for Sunday Service, where we partake in the disciples of guidance, confession, worship, and celebration, is spiritual practice. Serving the UUCRT community, by making coffee, watering the plants, moving chairs, or playing the piano, is spiritual practice. Voting at a … read more.

Why Belonging to a Religious Community Matters

Grace. Spiritual Practice. Letting Go. Salvation. Truth. These are the themes the congregation will explore together over the next five months.

These themes describe the work I do with Veterans and the larger community in Philadelphia. Jonathan and Amy visited Philadelphia last month and joined in … read more.


Recently a rabbi taught me something about spirituality. His name is Paul Swerdlow and he is a chaplain in the VA medical center in Northport, on Long Island.

Here is what he taught me:

Spirituality is about being a time traveler. We exist in space and in … read more.