Author: Donna

Minister’s Message

On or near the first Sunday in January, many Unitarian Universalist congregations hold a ritual to bid farewell to the old year, and to release it. It is also a chance to dream of creating a better tomorrow, and to offer hope for the promise … read more.

Notes from the Board

11/7/23 meeting

Birch school contract approved and signedConversations with Birch school about security are continuing.In the future Sunday services will plan that congregational meetings will be on the 3rd Sundays of May and November.Volunteers are still needed for tech support during Sunday services.Notices of Sunday services … read more.

President’s Message

“Everything Comes to An End In Time”
That’s the first thing he said to me as we looked each other in the eyes and clasped each other’s hand.

It was late Saturday morning at his home in Ottawa and we were alone in his bedroom, as he … read more.

Minister’s Message

The Gift of Mystery
Ralph Waldo Emerson is probably the most famous thinker of our Unitarian Universalist tradition, with the possible exception of his friend, Henry Thoreau. The key to Emerson’s thought is what we know of as our first source of our Unitarian Universalist living … read more.

Notes from the Board

Revised Birch contract sent to school with Maintenance agreement

Welcoming ministry will plan new member service for friends who have asked to join.

Caring ministry reports there have been several needs being addressed.

Religious Education is off to a great start with new families with children attending.

Arts ministry … read more.

Minister’s Message

The Gift of Generosity
“We all have, without exception, a very deep longing to give – to give to the earth, to give to others, to give to the society, to work, to love, to care for this earth… And so there’s a tremendous sorrow for … read more.

Welcome Luncheon

On Sept. 10, the UUCRT welcomed friends, congregants and RE kids and their parents to a plot luck picnic in the Fellowship Hall. This well￾attended affair was made possible by a bevy of cooks and helpers.

Birch School Opens for it’s 11th Year at 9 Vance Road

Greeting from The Birch School Community to the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Rock Tavern.

We at The Birch School are immensely grateful to the UU Community for your generosity in sharing this wonderful building with us. Every Birch family appreciates the remarkable qualities of the building … read more.